Re-Post: A New Lifestyle: How I lost 45 lbs and kept it off.

Original Post Date: March 9th, 2018

I changed how I think about myself. I lost 45 lbs in about a year. I try not to eat for relief from boredom. I eat when I'm hungry and I know better what that feels like. I try to never eat fast food. I make salads most nights and pair it with fish, chicken, potato salad or something decent. I almost never eat candy and I never drink soda except maybe a mountain dew or sprite on a very rare occasion.  I barely ever drink beer or liquor. This article is about how I lost the weight but more importantly, it explains why. 

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Photo Journal 9/26/2018

Fractal Focus recently purchased a Canon G7X Mark II and I decided to take it out to one of my favorite places to walk and take photos. I took these photos today walking Marine Drive along the Columbia River Gorge. My brother and I decided to get this camera mainly for travel and Instagram because it allows us to take a camera anywhere and everywhere that has more capabilities and better quality than a phone camera. 

Marine Drive, Portland, Oregon

Shot with Canon G7X MarkII

No editing

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Book Review: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

This book puts the virtue in virtual reality.

This book can be summed up in one word: Fun. Or maybe exciting. Or entertaining, suspenseful, exhilarating, masterful, heartwarming? This book can be summed up with many words, all of which lead to a worthwhile read. Ernest Cline wonderfully portrays the struggles and triumphs that young people face in a way that is both futuristic and timeless. His depiction of a future where the real world is crumbling into a more and more polarized environment while the unreal world online serves as a distraction and shelter is masterfully weaved into the text with rich and relatable detail.

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30 Days of Fiction: Day 24

I woke up the morning of the funeral in a melancholy mood. My friend Harry had died two days ago in a car accident and I was still in shock. Our last conversation ended in a shouting match and it had been two months since we had spoken. We had fought about his decision to go public with his newest work and I knew that it would not be met with the widespread praise that he had envisioned but he went ahead and launched it anyway. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that he was really dead. 

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