Portland Snowpocalypse Feb 23, 2023 Photo Journal

It snowed like crazy in my neighborhood and since I was off I took a walk to Glendoveer Gold Course, stopped by Von Ebert Brewing, and walked around. I decided to do color and black and white and a bunch of photos.

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Photo Journal: Retail Hell (Photos from the war inside the store!)

This is nothing. The following is barely a slice of the stuff that retail, customer service, and others deal with in the real world. This doesn’t cover the hundreds of thieves, assholes, horrible managers and customers, or the stress of dealing with covid, rioters, protestors, and bad teammates.

Here are just a few photos to demonstrate some of the madness that occurs in the stores that you shop in every day. When you open your doors to the masses you see what society has to offer.

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