You are NOT in a story

Others can do what they want and the world can make up stories about it but it doesn’t mean that I have to take them seriously or agree with them. Stories are a part of life and they have as much power as we want to give them but stories are not the same as life.

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God only talks? Thoughts on this slavery debate.

During the debate, there are many considerations about what god can and can not do. This contradicts the notion that god is “all-powerful”. If god wanted something to happen then what would stop them? The god that Ben explains seems to be very weak and very humanlike in that they are trying to convince others of something instead of just making it happen. Also, if god was against slavery but didn’t think that humans were ready for a big change then why did he go out of his way to give rules about how to treat slaves? Why not just leave the subject alone? Why negotiate with humans about something immoral when you can simply tell people to stop doing it “or else”?

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Episode 154: Spirituality, Energy, and More!

Episode 154:

Topics: Spirituality, ghosts, energy, consciousness, and more!


Channing: Spiral: From the Book of Saw

Joe: News of the World by Paulette Jiles

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