Book Review: The Obelisk Gate by N.K. Jemisin

The Obelisk Gate is the second in a trilogy by N.K. Jemisin called the Broken Earth Series. It is about a world missing its moon and in its place has gotten only turmoil and destruction. In this world, there are humans with the power to manipulate the energies of the earth and tap into its gravity and force. These Roggas or Orogenes, as they are known, have enemies too. Many many enemies. They are feared by most and hunted by others. Even the earth wants them dead, but the Earth wants everyone dead and it just might get what it wants.

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Photo Journal: 7/10/2022 Blue Lake

Shot with Canon 80D

Sigma 150-300mm Contemporary

Blue Lake

After seeing the results from my trip to Oak’s Bottom I wanted to try two things to try to get better clarity and sharpness. I used the Manfrotto monopod and made sure that the shutter speed was above a minimum of 1/500 and most of the time it was well over that. Even with these two considerations I still had a hard time getting really sharp photos. The following photos are the best out of the day but below them are examples of other shots that just weren’t as good but show the softness of the sharpness of this lens. Even with bright sun and a variety of settings, it was hard to get very sharp results.

Having a full-size sensor would probably help get the ISO down but I don’t have a full-size sensor. I did crop most of these photos and used quite a bit of noise reduction. I have noticed quite a lot of noise with the Sigma. The lens is not very fast and the APSC sensor creates hurdles when dealing with balancing settings and getting usable shots.

Follow me on Instagram @g_grins and @fractalfocus.nature


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Book Review: Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton

I almost stopped reading this book after I started the introduction and became bored and uninterested. The book is written as if it is a translation of an ancient text and the introduction attempts to ground this fiction in a plausible history with an explanation of its fictional writer and the controversies around the “text’s” authenticity and accuracy. This is fun if you care about the completely made-up backstory to a completely made-up story but I wasn’t interested. I’m glad I picked it back up and skimmed through the first couple of chapters because once the Northmen are introduced the book really takes off and is one of my favorite books so far.

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