Best Photos of 2024

I took a lot of photos this year, and I have compiled my favorite shots in this post. I try not to be too judgmental about my photography, so maybe some of them are only here because of the emotions I feel when I see the photo and remember the circumstances around them, but I am happy to give more photos a chance than I could if I were to be more strict. I love photography and I’m excited to get back out there next year!

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Religion as Cultural OCD

Would you rather do something because you think it has value or live with the harsh truth that what your doing is nonsense? Sometimes giving it up means losing that value you thought was there. If so, you would have to find value in other things and other activities. It might even be possible to engage in those activities for different reasons and retain the value that derives from them. If one gives up religion they give up a set a way of life and the consequences of that should not to be taken lightly.

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