Elden Ring: Things I wish were in EVERY version!

I love Elden Ring! It is the only game I have been playing since it came out in Feb of 2022. I have been playing it for almost a year and still enjoy it. I love creating new builds and finding all the stuff that makes those builds great. I play on a PS4 and I know that the PC version offers additional features but I’m not trying to buy a high-end PC just to play one game so here is a list of things that I wish were included or updated in every version of Elden Ring. Maybe some of these things will be added eventually or in FromSoftware’s next games.


Randomizer for weapons, loot, talismans, bosses, etc…Like a mod but with no glitches and for everyone! This would allow you to load a new game and have an entirely new experience. If bosses were scaled to the area but in new places and if items were in different places it would force you to explore again and have a unique experience from anyone else.


Stats for deaths, enemies killed, bosses killed, NPCs killed, invaders killed not including colosseum, colosseum stats as a separate category, crabs killed, each enemy killed, everything and anything. Stats!


Drop in and out seamless and shared cooperative gameplay. Get items in another’s world if you haven’t acquired it in your current walkthrough. This is always a difficult thing to accomplish but it would allow people to play more of the game together without having to reconnect. I would like it if you can turn off invasions in this mode as well. I know this exists for PC but it would be great for everyone. This mode would be hard to accomplish because of the hardware and processing needs but in a perfect world, this would be a great option.


Photo-Mode like in Ghosts of Sushi-Man!


An indicator of whether you have killed the bosses in an area, once you've found that area. Not where the bosses are exactly located but whether they are dead yet. Maybe just a list of bosses or achievements that allow you take make sure to kill them all or the ones you want. Also, an easy-to-use accomplishments or achievements list.

What do you wish were included in Elden Ring or other Souls games? Tell me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/joesnotesblog.


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