Book Review: Treasure Mountain by Louis L'Amour

Treasure Mountain is another Western tale from the grandfather of the Western genre Louis L’Amour. This one continues his series of novels highlighting the lives of the family The Sacketts. In Treasure Mountain, Orrin Sackett is in search of information regarding the disappearance of his father some twenty years past but when he asks the right questions he also ends up missing. Trailing behind Orrin is his brother William Tell Sackett who is the narrator of our story. Orrin is a smooth-talking lawyer who is as comfortable in the city as he is on a ranch and William Tell, simply known as Tell, is more interested in the forests and open country than any city life. 

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Tell and Orrin only know that their father went up into the mountains twenty years ago with a small band of folks who were searching for gold, and lots of it. To get closure about his last days Tell and Orrin start their journey in New Orleans but when Orrin goes missing Tell starts to piece together the clues to finding out where their father went and what might have happened. It turns out that the men who went up with their father back then are involved in Orrin’s disappearance. It’s up to Tell to free his brother before they both end up missing. 

I enjoy the Western genre and I love most of Louis L’Amour’s books but this one was kind of boring. It has a few moments of action and intrigue but a lot of the book is just people traveling and talking about what might have happened and what might happen. The ending is satisfying and fun but the bulk of the book is a bit mundane. The main characters are capable, as all the Sackets are, but they lack engaging personalities which was also an issue with the villains and side characters. Treasure Mountain is a short book and it gives more context to The Sackett Legend but this was not my favorite. If you like Louis L’Amour and want a quick read this won’t be a waste of time.


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